Blog Archives

School Resource Officers (SROs) and School Police Departments

Posted by on February 16, 2010

Memphis Schools’ superintendent, Dr. Kriner Cash, wants it.  Memphis Police Director Larry Godwin is strongly against it.  The Memphis Mayor, A C Wharton, is now against it. State legislators are trying to determine whether or not to make it legal. So what is the “it” that has these school and city leaders in Memphis in a […]

School Safety Leader: Dr. Gary Pack

Posted by on February 15, 2010

Dr. Gary Pack believes there are two important lessons all school administrators should know about school safety: You are never as prepared as you think you are, but a safety and security plan that is practiced and part of everything we do in our schools tends to make the critical incidents which do occur more manageable.  Solid communication networks are very much necessary […]

Knoxville School Shootings: Were they Foreseeable?

Posted by on February 14, 2010

An elementary school principal and assistant principal were allegedly shot by a teacher this past Wednesday.  It only took two days before news headlines started reading: Teacher who allegedly shot principals called a ‘time bomb’; School officials investigated negative claims about Foster Brother of alleged shooter at Inskip Elementary blames schools; Sibling says he warned […]

School Safety News: The Week in Review (February 8-12, 2010)

Posted by on February 13, 2010

Highlights of school safety, security, and crisis incidents and issues around the nation for the week of February 8-12, 2010: Knoxville, TN:  Elementary school principal and assistant principal shot multiple times allegedly by disgruntled fourth-grade teacher.  When a fourth-grade teacher walked out of the Inskip Elementary School Principal’s office Wednesday knowing he wouldn’t have a job, […]

School Safety Interview: Dr. Steve Sroka on School Violence Prevention – Part 2

Posted by on February 12, 2010

Yesterday’s interview with Dr. Steve Sroka (School Violence Prevention -Part One) focused on putting a human face on school safety.  Part Two of the interview continues below as Dr. Sroka shares his insights on taking a balanced and comprehensive approach to school safety. In the above interview, Dr. Sroka talks about: School safety programs must be balanced […]

School Safety Interview: Dr. Steve Sroka on School Violence Prevention – Part One

Posted by on February 11, 2010

Our first school safety video interview is with Dr. Steve Sroka, an international expert on school violence prevention and intervention, drug prevention, HIV, and teen sex issues. Dr. Sroka talks about a number of key concepts on school safety and violence prevention: Putting a human face on school safety Keeping school safety on the front […]

Is School Safety at the Education Funding Cliff? Part Two

Posted by on February 10, 2010

Yesterday’s “Education Funding Cliff” post  focused on school safety as one of the top areas typically hit by school district budget cuts. Today, let’s take a look at what schools can and cannot afford to do with school safety during tight financial times. School Safety Budget Cut “Do” and “Do Not” Tips There will be […]

Is School Safety at the Education Funding Cliff? Part One

Posted by on February 9, 2010

Sunday’s New York Times story entitled, “With Federal Stimulus Money Gone, Many Schools Face Budget Gaps,” looks at the budget gaps expected to be created when the federal stimulus education money has been spent by local districts.  Educators refer to it as approaching the “funding cliff.” The Times story references new studies showing many states will spend most, […]

School Safety Leader: Dr. John Hutton

Posted by on February 8, 2010

Dr. John Hutton’s 35 years in education have taught him many important lessons.  His most important lesson on school safety: Be proactive! Dr. Hutton is Superintendent of Gurnee School District 56 in Gurnee, Illinois.  He served an assistant superintendent and building administrator in Valparaiso, Indiana.  Dr. Hutton was also a math teacher and a basketball coach in Portage, Indiana.    School […]

Best of the Blogs in Education

Posted by on February 7, 2010

School safety, security, and emergency planning are critical areas for safe learning environments.  But it helps for those of us in the school safety field to have a broader understanding of the K-12 education community and its challenging issues. As a newer blogger, I am finding a number of top-quality education blogs. My “Best of […]