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School security under microscope after 10-year-old runs away

Posted by on May 10, 2012

Parents and the media are questioning a Georgia elementary school’s security and supervision procedures after a 10-year-old fifth-grade student ran away from his elementary school on Tuesday. The student, Kit Colburn, was sent to the office around 8:45 a.m. but not reported missing to police until 12:19 p.m., according to a story by The Telegraph newspaper […]

School officer shoots burglar suspect; school police not 2nd class

Posted by on May 3, 2012

The shooting of a suspected burglar by a Pasadena (Texas) school police officer appears to have triggered an immediate scrutiny of school police officers as much as it did a scrutiny of the shooting itself. The suspect, an eighth-grader, was shot by the officer who responded to a school trailer burglar alarm at 12:30 a.m. […]

1,183,700 violent school crimes; Only 303,900 reported to police

Posted by on April 24, 2012

Civil rights special interest groups and the Obama Administration claim police and school officials are creating a “school-to-prison-pipeline” where students are being needlessly arrested. But one recent report, using Education and Justice Department data, suggests schools are actually covering up violent crimes from the police. “The Department of Education and the Department of Justice say […]

Police handcuff Georgia kindergartner for tantrum or safety?

Posted by on April 18, 2012

A 6-year-old kindergartner from a Georgia school was handcuffed and removed from school by police after the student allegedly tore items off the walls, threw books and toys, threw a shelf that hit the principal in the leg, jumped on a paper shredder and tried to break a glass frame, according to an Associated Press […]

Chronic school bomb threats challenge school, safety officials

Posted by on April 13, 2012

Chronic school bomb threats have challenged school and police officials from K-12 schools and college level education facilities. In late 2011, Orange Public Schools in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, faced a series of bomb threats in which a number of those were delivered electronically through an internationally located proxy server. Eventually federal and local law enforcement […]

Police use school to train for active school shooting incident

Posted by on April 13, 2012

Active shooters have captured more of the public’s attention in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and other public sites. While I have always emphasized not being alarmist and keeping context when discussing school shootings, it is prudent to include active shooter scenarios in training for law enforcement officials and their school partners. In Shepherdsville, Kentucky, […]

Former private school teacher: FBI Most Wanted for child porn

Posted by on April 10, 2012

A 30-year-old former private school teacher and camp counselor joined the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list for allegedly producing and possessing child pornography, according to a story. Eric Justin Toth, aka “David Bussone,” filled the slot of the now-deceased Al Qaeda terrorist leader Usama bin Laden. Federal officials said their investigation into Toth began […]

NC teacher charged for prescription drug sales at high school

Posted by on April 10, 2012

A 31-year-old high school English teacher in Gaston, North Carolina, was fired from her job and arrested for allegedly running a prescription drug ring targeting students at the school, according to a March 30 Gaston Gazette news story. The School Resource Officer (SRO) investigated following an anonymous tip. Police say the teacher allegedly provided a […]

Phone threats trigger heightened security, parent communications

Posted by on April 9, 2012

Threats by irate students, former students, parents, disgruntled current or former employees and others are requiring school administrators to take quick action to heighten security. They also create a necessity for schools to have crisis communications plans to get accurate information out quickly to parents, media and the school-community. Phoned threats target local schools Two […]

Easter Sunday reinforces value of faith, family and friends

Posted by on April 8, 2012

As we pass through yet another Easter Sunday, allow the reflections and prayers of the day to reinforce the value of faith, family and friends. They are essential for keeping all of us safe, secure and sound in our hearts, minds, bodies and communities. Peace be with you. Ken Trump Visit School Security Blog at: […]