Blog Archives

School safety post-Sandy Hook: Focus on “How?,” not on “Wow!”

Posted by on September 28, 2013

More than nine months have passed since the December 14, 2012, school shooting attack upon Sandy Hook Elementary School in the Newtown, Connecticut, school district where 20 children and 6 school staff members were left dead. The horrific nature of the attack upon our youngest and most vulnerable children — elementary students — served as […]

When social media turns into trouble: School threats, rumors, fights and more

Posted by on June 10, 2013

They’re talking about your school on social media:  gossip on Facebook, school fights on YouTube, threats on Twitter. Every child with a cell phone, every driver who sees a bus accident, every parent who disagrees with a teacher…they’re all texting and tweeting and posting pictures, videos and comments. Do you know what they’re saying? Information […]

You do have a school Crisis Communications plan – don’t you?

Posted by on May 20, 2013

If you ever face a major crisis at your school – and we hope you don’t – you’ll learn the real meaning of the phrase “misery loves company.”  Hundreds of reporters will descend upon you, and they’re not just the local reporters on the education beat. You will face reporters from major newspapers and online […]

Can Your School Staff Communicate in a Crisis?

Posted by on September 6, 2010

School campuses are often very large with multiple floors and even have multiple buildings on one campus in some districts.    Two-way radios are commonplace in many of our nation’s schools as a tool for administrators, security personnel, and key staff to communicate on security and supervision issues.  Not only are they helpful with day-to-day security issues, […]

Timely Parent and Media Communications on School Safety

Posted by on January 20, 2010

Failing to communicate school safety and crisis incidents to parents and the media in an effective and timely manner can become its own separate story.  It can also put a dent in the credibility of a school district and its leaders from the superintendent to the building principal. One reporter working on a story which questioned a school […]