Category Archive: School Safety Issues

Top 10 school safety headlines for 2012

Posted by on January 2, 2012

Here are the top 10 school safety news headlines we could see, or probably should see, in 2012 based upon my assessment of school safety trends: 10.  Educators discover paying for reasonable security measures at school athletic events is more important than turning a profit at the gate.   9.  School districts cave to common sense by […]

Why adequate supervision is critical to good school safety

Posted by on December 26, 2011

A female is allegedly raped in a gym restroom.  A student is assaulted in a hallway during class change.  A stranger is found in an elementary school restroom. The first question raised by parents, the media and perhaps eventually lawyers is: “Was supervision adequate?” The answer to that question must be assessed on a case-by-case […]

What Christmas 2011 and school safety have in common

Posted by on December 26, 2011

What does school safety have in common with The Muppets, Pac Man, Space Invaders, Rock’em Sock’em Robots, and other Christmas 2011 sightings? Simple: What is old is new again. I was intrigued upon seeing the return of The Muppets in their latest movie.  Then came the plug-and-play Pac Man, Space Invaders, and other first generation video games Christmas presents. Next, […]

Bringing pencils & books to a gun fight; ALICE Training raises questions

Posted by on October 30, 2011

  “While he’s busy ducking and covering his head from our air assault, we must now begin the ground assault.” This quote from a staff training booklet on the A.L.I.C.E. (Alert-Lockdown-Inform-Counter-Evacuate) plan struck me when it was shared by a client school district.   The quote was included in a section called, “OK, I made him mad. Now What!?” And […]

Bringing a purse to a gun fight: Training to attack armed intruders?

Posted by on October 28, 2011

Typically I ignore snark and snipe attacks made against me on the Internet. As a higher-profile figure with over 25 years experience in the school safety field, they come with the territory.  And typically they come from people who are jealous and/or insecure anyway. But every now and then one occurs that is just too […]

It’s Time to Rejuvenate School Safety, Security & Preparedness

Posted by on September 6, 2011

Overloaded.  Burned out.  Unemployed. Distracted. Disjointed. Stressed. These are just a few words describing what I see and hear more and more every day.  I find them among school staff, parents, neighbors, family, and about everywhere else life takes me each week. Uncertain Times Breed Stress and Anxiety  We live in a time of economic uncertainty, political […]

School Safety Book Tackles Columbine Anniversary Challenges

Posted by on April 20, 2011

What have we learned and what is the state of school security and emergency planning 12 years after the Columbine High School attack in 1999? The answer is simple:  We need to return to a focus on the fundamentals.  A new generation of school board members, superintendents, central office administrators, school safety specialists, principals, teachers, […]

Should Police & Schools Keep Parents in Dark on Sex Assault?

Posted by on March 23, 2011

How would you feel if a stranger abducted and sexually assaulted a female during lunchtime and in the same block as your daughter’s school?  And how would you feel if your school administrators and police officials never told you, other parents, and students about the incident for 12 days? This happened near David Douglas High […]

When Did Common Sense End in School Discipline and Safety?

Posted by on March 23, 2011

Training students not to open exterior school doors to let someone inside is a best practice. Suspending a student who violated the rule to help a woman with her hands full is not a best practice. A Southampton County, Virginia, middle school student was suspended from school after opening a door for a woman with […]

How a Pre-Columbine Mindset is Threatening School Safety

Posted by on February 18, 2011

Shootings, hit lists, explosives, and even a murder do not seem to be keeping some school administrators and boards from hunkering down into a pre-Columbine mentality on school safety. School Administrators and Boards Playing School Safety “On-the-Cheap” Hiding behind challenging fiscal times, some school “leaders” are playing school safety “on the cheap” in spite of […]