Blog Archives

Inspiring Person: Liz Strauss

Posted by on February 7, 2010

How many times each day do you feel like individuals, businesses, government, and society in general wake up for the sole purpose of throwing obstacles into your pathway for just getting through the day? As life becomes personally and professionally more complicated, and much busier than we’d like it to be, we learn to appreciate […]

School Safety News: The Week in Review (February 1-5, 2010)

Posted by on February 6, 2010

Highlights of school safety, security, and crisis incidents and issues around the nation for the week of February 1-5, 2010: Madison, AL:  Ninth-grader fatally shot by classmate at Alabama school A 14-year-old male midde school student was shot in the back of the head by another student during class change and died.  Panama City, FL:  8 […]

School Athletic Event Security

Posted by on February 4, 2010

By now many have seen the latest high school basketball game near-riot at Monessen Senior High in Pennsylvania.  There has been a lot of buzz about it online and on national TV. For those who have not, take a look and ask yourself, “Do we have adequate plans at our school to manage athletic event security […]

School Safety Leader: John Weicker

Posted by on February 1, 2010

John Weicker knows a lot about school security and discipline.  He has lived it every day for close to 19 years as Director of Security for Fort Wayne Community Schools in Indiana.  Experience and Passion Prior to taking on this district level role, John served as Dean of Boys at the largest of six Fort Wayne high […]

Assessing Your School’s Security

Posted by on January 31, 2010

The next time you head onto your school campus, take a look at the site through a different lens. Instead of looking at your school from your eyes as a school employee or as a parent, look as if you are a school safety consultant: Campus perimeter:  Is there a defined perimeter distinguishing school property […]

School Safety News: The Week in Review (January 25-29, 2010)

Posted by on January 30, 2010

Highlights of school safety, security, and crisis incidents and issues around the nation for the week of January 25-29, 2010: Memphis, TN:  Guns at Memphis city schools ring alarm bells  Police are stepping up patrols and school officials are increasing security after five guns incidents occurred in or near city schools in nine days.  Central, […]

School Safety Experts Can Learn from Obama and Republican Get-Together

Posted by on January 29, 2010

President Obama and representatives of the House Republican conference met earlier today where a spirited 90-minute exchange occurred after a year of bitter, intense political sniping between their two parties.  Although intense, the exchanges appeared to be sincere, genuine, and at least somewhat productive.  At a minimum, it was generally more civil than the daily shots we see fired in soundbite […]

Motivating and Inspiring School Safety Participation

Posted by on January 28, 2010

Commercials have never been a favorite part of my TV time, which is typically limited to cable news in airports, hotels, and my office background.  But I’ve actually stumbled on a series of TV commercials I look forward to seeing over and over. The Foundation for a Better Life has a series of inspirational TV spots worth watching.  The […]

Are You a Part of Your School Security Program?

Posted by on January 27, 2010

A fellow traveler once told me I could star in a reality TV show contest on how quickly one could get through a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screening at the airport.   Perhaps he was correct. Like many business travelers, I am quick to off-load my coat, shoes, laptop, cell phone, and other required items into […]