Blog Archives

School security consultants: Taking a stand or riding the fence?

Posted by on August 24, 2012

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. This has always been one of my favorite sayings. It pretty much sums up an important part of the character of many professionals I have come to respect over the years. On the flip side of the coin are the fence-riders. They are the wafflers. They […]

Prevent mass shootings? Aurora theater, Sikh temple, & schools

Posted by on August 7, 2012

“Run. Hide. Fight.” That’s the Department of Homeland Security’s advice for staying safe during a shooting. “Buy a gun. Take self-defense classes. Teach kids to attack armed intruders in a school.” Those are some recommendations from others. Following recent mass shootings at an Aurora, Colorado, theater and at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, the search for […]

Buyer beware: Risky school safety consultants, expert witnesses

Posted by on July 4, 2012

More than a decade ago, I co-authored an article for the National School Boards Association entitled, “Buyer Beware: What to look for when hiring a school security consultant.” I would have never thought at that time that the topic would be as relevant, if not more so, eleven years later — but it is. The […]

School transportation conference showcases tornado safety lessons – Part II

Posted by on July 3, 2012

Chuck Hibbert provides Part II of his insights from faciliating a session at the School Transportation Association of Indiana’s annual conference that highlighted the leadership and heroism of West Clark Community School District transportation staff and district administrators when an EF4 tornado struck in Henryville, Indiana. Guest Post by Chuck Hibbert Part II of this blog article continues with […]

School transportation conference showcases tornado safety lessons – Part I

Posted by on July 2, 2012

Chuck Hibbert, my colleague and fellow school safety consultant, generously authored a two-part blog piece highlighting his recent experience facilitating a general session of the School Transportation Association of Indiana’s 39th annual conference in French Lick, Indiana. The session highlighted the leadership and heroism displayed by West Clark Community School District transportation staff and district […]

Cell phones in schools debate continues on Fox & Friends

Posted by on July 1, 2012

Are students more or less safe with cell phones in schools? It all depends on who you ask. The battle rages on in New York City as Mayor Bloomberg is holding firm on the ban of cell phones in city schools. But a recent opinion piece in the New York Post entitled “End the cell […]

Memorial Day reminds us of the value of ‘us’ and ‘we,’ not ‘I’

Posted by on May 28, 2012

Memorial Day celebrations should remind us of the value of “us” and “we,” not ‘I.” If you listen to our veterans who talk about fighting wars, reflect upon those who gave their lives in war, and express gratitude and pride for those who are actively serving in wars to keep our children and nation safe, […]

Taking the “bull” out of bullying and school safety training

Posted by on May 25, 2012

School boards and administrators do not need new programs and expenses to manage bullying. In fact, most school districts already have strategies and services in place to adequately address school bullying. Recently, I had the pleasure of sharing this message to about 100 school board members, superintendents and top school district administrators who registered for […]

Mom arms gay son with stun gun to confront school bullying

Posted by on May 11, 2012

An Indiana gay male high school student’s mother had a legitimate concern about her son being the victim of bullying, but she made a poor choice by arming him with a stun gun. The bully victim was apprehended by school police and subsequently expelled for brandishing the stun gun after he was reportedly confronted by […]