Category Archive: Crisis – Emergency Planning for Schools

Applying Continuous Improvement models to school safety: Strengthening school security and emergency preparedness to move from “good” to “great”

Posted by on November 21, 2019

As educators, especially those with graduate and doctoral degrees, you have been exposed to “continuous improvement” and “improvement science” models as a foundation for strengthening curriculum, instruction, and school leadership.  But are you applying continuous improvement models to school safety, security, and emergency preparedness, as well? Continuous improvement models and school safety In Learning to […]

Securing a Hospital Emergency Department in the Aftermath of a School Shooting

Posted by on August 22, 2019

(Editor’s Note: This article is a collaboration with Michael S. D’Angelo, CPP, CSC, CHPA, a Board Certified Security Consultant specializing in the security of healthcare facilities. He can be reached at, or 786-444-1109. See his biographical information at the end of the article.) As America continues to endure mass shootings at school, security and […]

Parkland one year later: School security and emergency preparedness after the MSD school shooting

Posted by on February 13, 2019

During the past half-dozen or so years, I have done an increasing about of expert witness and litigation consulting on pK-12 school security-related lawsuits. These types of cases have included high-profile active shooter cases, such as my retention by the defense for the Sandy Hook Elementary School litigation, as well as rape and other sexual […]

Federal Commission on School Safety report rehashes decades-old best practices, adds a few political twists

Posted by on December 19, 2018

Statement by school security expert Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, on the Federal Commission on School Safety’s final report: The Federal Commission on School Safety’s final report largely rehashes school safety, security, and emergency preparedness best practices that have been recognized since the Columbine era nearly 20 years ago. […]

School safety considerations for mail handling, suspicious packages, and bomb threats

Posted by on October 26, 2018

The good news in related to 12 bomb-like packages sent to current and former elected officials, along with CNN, is that one person is in federal custody as of the time of this writing. Thank you to our law enforcement professionals and other first responders across the nation for their hard work. This incident raises […]

Federal Commission on School Safety receives testimony from school security expert Ken Trump

Posted by on August 30, 2018

The following testimony was submitted to the Federal Commission on School Safety by Kenneth Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services on August 28, 2018.  The Commission acknowledged receipt the following afternoon. To the Federal Commission on School Safety: Commissioners, my name is Kenneth Trump and I am the President of National School […]

Advocates, activists, experts, and opportunists: Do you know the differences among those giving school safety advice?

Posted by on July 10, 2018

“I don’t know what to believe and who to listen to,” one principal told us several months ago. As school safety issues remain in the forefront of school-community conversations following recent school shootings, the number of voices, viewpoints, and vendors continue to grow. School safety has been politically-hijacked by both gun control and gun rights […]

Fake news, fake claims: Dispelling school active shooter myths

Posted by on April 18, 2017

“Fake news” became a popular buzz phrase during the 2016 Presidential election. But fake news and fake claims also play a role in some national conversations and misrepresentations about school safety and school active shooters. Critical reading, analytical thinking and asking probing questions are necessary skills for serious learners of school safety best practices. Sandy Hook […]

How President Trump can “Make federal school safety policy great again”: Advice from Ken Trump to President Donald Trump

Posted by on January 20, 2017

President Donald J. Trump takes office today as the 45th President of the United States.  As he and his nominated Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, begin working to “Make America Great Again,” they also have the opportunity to “Make Federal School Safety Policy Great Again.” Obama, Congress eliminated critical school safety programs prior to the […]

School safety preparation tips for back-to-school

Posted by on July 27, 2016

Back-to-school means it is time for curriculum and scheduling tweaks, faculty meetings, parent communications and many other academic preparations.  It also is time to review school security, emergency preparedness, supervision and other school safety fundamentals that should be included in your district and/or building safety to-do lists at the start of each year. A few […]