Blog Archives

Getting to the Heart of Education- Listening to the Whole At-Risk Student

Posted by on March 3, 2014

My long-time friend, colleague, and former co-worker, Dr. Steve Sroka, shares how to retain, engage, challenge, support, and educate all students: Getting to the Heart of Education- Listening to the Whole At-Risk Student By Stephen Sroka Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all……  Aristotle Many at-risk students in schools are crying […]

Schools face new wave of violent threats sent by social media and other electronic means, study says

Posted by on February 25, 2014

More than one-third of violent threats to schools since the beginning of this school year were delivered by social media, email, text messaging, and other electronic forms, according to a new study by our national school safety consulting firm. “The cost of these threats in taxpayer dollars for police response, lost instruction time, and anxiety […]

Are schools the targets for new hoax shooting and bomb threats?

Posted by on February 24, 2014

Our research has identified a disturbing emerging trend of hoax shooting and bomb threats targeting preK-12 schools. These threats are drawing heavy law enforcement responses to schools and creating anxiety among students, educators, and parents. Recent examples include: A 12-year-old middle school student called in a false report of a shooting at a Florida high […]

Teaching students to attack gunmen is NOT the standard of care

Posted by on February 24, 2014

Is teaching students to throw things at, and to attack, heavily armed gunmen really the new standard of care? This question was recently raised in a conversation I had with a veteran school security director for a large U.S. school district. He was concerned that some individuals may mistakenly be lead to believe that such […]

New one-stop website for school safety news, analysis, and resources

Posted by on February 19, 2014

School administrators and safety officials now have a new one-stop resource for free information on the latest school safety news and opinion, analysis on hot topics, and topical resources for improving school safety, emergency preparedness, and communications efforts. We spent the past three months here at National School Safety and Security Services working with our […]

Research data appears not to support students fighting gunmen

Posted by on February 16, 2014

January, 2014* An academic research report often pointed to by advocates for teaching students and teachers to fight heavily armed gunmen presents data showing that the majority of 21 active shooters in K-12 schools were NOT stopped by citizens subduing the gunman. Data provided from a forthcoming book chapter on active shooters in schools by […]

The year 2013: School safety in review

Posted by on February 16, 2014

2013: School safety in review January 13, 2014 * The year 2013 was one of the most turbulent years for the school safety field since the Columbine era. Some of the highs and lows in our opinion include: Political Special Interest Groups Hijack School Safety – The attack upon Sandy Hook Elementary School on December […]

Sandy Hook skews focus to security equipment, away from human side of school safety

Posted by on December 9, 2013

Surveillance cameras and fortified front entranceways with enhanced access control are among the most common security equipment purchases by school districts reacting over the past year to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Meanwhile, many schools continue to fail to invest the time and resources into the training, planning, exercising of crisis plans, and other […]

10 lessons learned from the Sandy Hook school shootings

Posted by on December 4, 2013

Our team’s analysis of the Sandy Hook Final Report released by the Connecticut State’s Attorney continues with 10 key lessons learned for school security and emergency preparedness. While additional details may be revealed in forthcoming documents from the Connecticut State Police, 10 important lessons from Sandy Hook have emerged based upon the final report, information […]

State’s Attorney report: Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings

Posted by on December 2, 2013

The Connecticut State’s Attorney final summary report on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings for many is an underwhelming, anticlimactic account of an overwhelming tragedy. No earth-shattering new lessons, but repeated themes of past shootings Rather than revealing a stream of earth-shattering new lessons learned, the report sadly reiterates themes heard over and over again from school shootings of […]