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Fake news, fake claims: Dispelling school active shooter myths

Posted by on April 18, 2017

“Fake news” became a popular buzz phrase during the 2016 Presidential election. But fake news and fake claims also play a role in some national conversations and misrepresentations about school safety and school active shooters. Critical reading, analytical thinking and asking probing questions are necessary skills for serious learners of school safety best practices. Sandy Hook […]

How President Trump can “Make federal school safety policy great again”: Advice from Ken Trump to President Donald Trump

Posted by on January 20, 2017

President Donald J. Trump takes office today as the 45th President of the United States.  As he and his nominated Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, begin working to “Make America Great Again,” they also have the opportunity to “Make Federal School Safety Policy Great Again.” Obama, Congress eliminated critical school safety programs prior to the […]

Creepy Clown threats strike schools nationwide

Posted by on October 4, 2016

A wave of “Creepy Clown” threats targeting schools across the nation has intensified in recent weeks, creating fear and anxiety in school communities. The threats have included shooting students and teachers. Creepy Clown threats sweep schools nationwide The clown threat makers have been unmasked rather quickly in a number of cases. In Ohio, three sixth […]

Tabletop exercises strengthen school security and emergency preparedness for a crisis

Posted by on July 13, 2016

Security and emergency preparedness has been at the forefront as our hometown Cleveland prepares to host next week’s Republican National Convention, just on the heels of an impromptu 1.3 million fan downtown celebration of our NBA Champion Cavaliers basketball victory. The tragic attacks on Dallas police officers last week only heightened our local conversations about […]

Online group “Evacuation Squad” with ties to Russia and Iran claims responsibility for worldwide wave of school bomb threats

Posted by on February 8, 2016

An online group named “Evacuation Squad” is claiming responsibility for a wave of worldwide school bomb threats, according to the digital media website Mashable and news outlets in the United Kingdom and Australia. Mashable says that Evacuation Squad is made up of six international members and listed a Russian email address on its social media […]

ALICE training co-founder admits ‘counter’ tactic of students attacking gunmen has never been used by an ALICE-trained school class

Posted by on December 14, 2015

The co-creator of ALICE training admits that there is not one known ALICE-trained school that has ever used the controversial ALICE “counter” technique where students are taught to throw things and attack armed gunmen, according to an article last week by Education Week’s Evie Blad. Blad’s article opened by highlighting a recent Fox News’ Fox […]

Schools as terror targets: Paris and San Bernardino ISIS terrorist shooters’ interest in schools

Posted by on December 11, 2015

Three chilling developments in recent weeks raise increased concerns about schools being in the crosshairs of ISIS-inspired terrorists. New public information since the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks include: A second wave of attacks by the ISIS-affiliated terrorists in Paris were interrupted just before the attacks were about to occur. According to news reports, […]

School terrorism preparedness: After the ISIS attack in Paris, is the U.S. the next target?

Posted by on November 16, 2015

If terrorists want to strike at the heart of America, they will strike at its children. I made that comment before and after the 9/11 attacks on United States. This past weekend’s ISIS attacks in Paris, France, are a tragic reminder that this comment still applies now, if not more than ever, here in America […]

Spring Valley High School police – student altercation analysis: A failure of administration and School Resource Officer (SRO) best practices

Posted by on November 2, 2015

The viral video of a South Carolina School Resource Officer (SRO) dragging a female student out of a classroom chair raises as many questions about a failure of school administration as it raises questions about school officer tactics and best practices in school-based policing. Three wrongs a disaster makes “This situation was a no-win as […]

Swatting, school bomb and shooting threats: Are FBI federal charges coming soon?

Posted by on November 2, 2015

Schools across the nation experienced an uptick in school bomb and shooting threats in recent weeks. Many of these threats are believed to have been made by local individuals such as students or former students. But there are also increasing indicators that a number of these threats are “swatting” incidents — hoax threats intended to trigger […]