Quick takeaways: Many educators have yet to tackle how they will conduct school safety drills which conflict with COVID-19 social distancing and related best practices State department of education have yet to provide any guidance to school leaders for active shooter, lockdown, fire, tornado, and other drills State-mandated drill requirements have yet to be temporarily […]
Blog Archives
Failed partnerships? If school boards throw out SROs/school-police, should they not also throw out their superintendents and principals?
Partnerships. School Resource Officer (SRO) programs are, by definition, built upon partnerships. The school-based police officers’ partners are school administrators — principals at the building level, superintendents at the executive level. In properly managed SRO programs, these partnerships are formalized in written Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements. These MOUs are typically signed by school boards […]
In times of racial, community unrest with police, schools need quality School Resource Officer (SRO) police programs more than ever
As communities across the nation grapple with race and civil unrest with their police, children and police need to come together to collaboratively understand one another, their relationships, and their communities. There is no better form of true community policing than properly designed and implemented School Resource Officer (SRO) school-based policing programs. School boards, administrators […]
New Webinar! COVID-19: Communicating effectively with school stakeholders in highly ambiguous and uncertain times
Wednesday, May 20, 2020 – 1pm Eastern New Webinar! Register Now – Space is limited for this one-hour program Register Here COVID-19 SCHOOL REENTRY COMMUNICATIONS: This free webinar is designed for PreK-12 superintendents, assistant superintendents, heads of private schools, principals and assistant principals, school communications and community relations administrators, school-based police and security administrators, school board […]
New Webinar! COVID-19 Student and staff reentry to school: Keys to resiliency and promoting social and emotional wellness
Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – 1pm Eastern Register Now – Space is limited for this one-hour program Register Here This free webinar is designed for PreK-12 superintendents, assistant superintendents, heads of private schools, principals and assistant principals, student services directors, counselors, school psychologists, behavioral support specialists, intervention specialists, school-based police and security officials, school nurses, […]
New Webinar: COVID-19 Safe School Operational Reentry Planning
New Webinar! Wednesday, May 6, 2020 – 1pm EST Register Now – Space is limited for this one-hour program Register Here This free webinar is designed for PreK-12 superintendents, assistant superintendents, heads of private schools, operational and support services department heads (facilities, transportation, food services, safety and security, health services, student services, communications and community […]
New Video: COVID-19 Student and Staff School Reentry Planning
In this new video, Ken provides an analysis of the school strategic crisis leadership, risk communications, key relationships, and critical operational planning issues required for successful COVID-19 student and staff school reentry: The social, emotional, physical, and educational well-being of students and staff on their first day of return to school will best be determined […]
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and K-12 schools: The time to prepare for student reentry is NOW!
America’s K-12 educators, students, and families have all been victimized by COVID-19, even if the pandemic has not directly affected their physical health. Brick and mortar school doors were abruptly shuttered as school boards and governors across the nation moved swiftly to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus by social distancing Americans from large groups […]
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and School Safety: Keep calm, have a plan, reduce risks, and communicate
Also see Ken Trump’s Blog: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and K-12 schools: The time to prepare for student reentry is NOW! Learn more here about our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Student and Educator Reentry Planning and Preparedness (SERPP) Services. An Oregon Coronavirus patient was identified this weekend as an elementary school employee. In Rhode Island, two members of a Catholic […]
Securing a Hospital Emergency Department in the Aftermath of a School Shooting
(Editor’s Note: This article is a collaboration with Michael S. D’Angelo, CPP, CSC, CHPA, a Board Certified Security Consultant specializing in the security of healthcare facilities. He can be reached at michael@securedirection.net, www.securedirection.net or 786-444-1109. See his biographical information at the end of the article.) As America continues to endure mass shootings at school, security and […]