America’s K-12 educators, students, and families have all been victimized by COVID-19, even if the pandemic has not directly affected their physical health. Brick and mortar school doors were abruptly shuttered as school boards and governors across the nation moved swiftly to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus by social distancing Americans from large groups […]
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Ken Trump’s Blog
- School safety leaders: Focus on your core school security mission and functions (Lessons from recent Secret Service catastrophic security failures)
- Growing legal school safety mandates and proposed consultant/vendor-driven school security “standards” may mean well, but many create unrealistic mandates that are impossible for schools to comply with
- Retired? Briefly Hired? Fired? Strategic school safety leaders need to look deeper at job titles used by security vendors
- Superintendents can learn a critical school safety lesson from the now-former Secret Service director: You can handle an investigation properly, but you may lose your job if you bungle the communications
- From the White House to the schoolhouse, there is no perfect security – but by focusing on human factors, we can reduce risks