School security expert says federal leaders failed to provide meaningful steps to improve school security after Sandy Hook Trump calls for restoring cut federal programs, new state school safety academies [CLEVELAND] Elected officials have failed to provide meaningful legislation, funding, and resources to help school administrators better secure their schools and prepare for mass […]
Blog Archives
School safety: Security assessments post-Sandy Hook shootings
“Fast” does not equate to “best.” This was my response in a communication with a private school administrator who shared with me yesterday that her school’s board of trustees had been pondering a school security assessment for three months, but then when the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred, they wanted the process expedited. Since scheduling […]
Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings: School safety reflections
Bulletproof backpacks for students. Bulletproof vests for teachers. Arming teachers. Teaching children to attack armed intruders. These were among the many ideas bantered around in the news, online, and elsewhere across America in the days following the shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. The Today […]
Seasons Greetings from National School Safety and Security Services
A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year greeting to our friends, family, and colleagues who follow the School Security Blog. This holiday season is one I will never forget for reasons both bad and good. On the bad side, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings dominated the week prior to Christmas. I spent […]
Handcuffed student in police car shoots himself after school threat
Deputies did not conduct a full search of a troubled Texas high school senior and missed a gun that he used to shoot himself police said on Thursday, according to Houston Chronicle newspaper article. The 17-year-old male student was in intensive care after officers performed a quick pat-down on Wednesday following concerns that the high school […]
Election day school safety, security, and crisis preparedness
Election day school security is an issue principals, superintendents, and school board members around the country have grappled with in one form or another for more than a decade. We have seen administrators give more attention to the issue post-Columbine and post-9/11, not specifically because of Columbine and 9/11 threats per se, but as a result […]
Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy provides bullying, media training for new generation of safety leaders
A new generation of superintendents, principals, teachers, school resource officers, and other school-community leaders embarked on their first round of training on Wednesday at the Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy (ISSSA). A record number of more than 330 participants learned best practices in school law, managing bullying without new programs and expenses, and managing media and parent communications […]