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School police expert: ALICE training is a safety, liability risk

Posted by on November 12, 2012

A veteran national expert on school-based police today called teaching school students to attack armed intruders a safety and liability risk for school boards and superintendents, as well as law enforcement agencies. “A.L.I.C.E. training should be a huge red flag for school and police administrators, especially in the liability arena. Both the legal staff and […]

5 ALICE training myths: Students attacking armed intruders

Posted by on November 11, 2012

As A.L.I.C.E. training advocates work to sell their program to school boards and superintendents, five myths continue to circulate about the program and its concept of teaching children to attack armed intruders. A.L.I.C.E. stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. The “counter” component of teaching school students to throw objects at armed intruders and to physically attack them is garnering […]

Bibb County Schools hire police captain fired from last job

Posted by on November 1, 2012

The Bibb County school system hired a former small-town police chief who was fired from his last job and has a pending complaint against him with the state agency that oversees police ethics and certification, according to an October 23rd story in The Telegraph newspaper in Macon, Georgia. Ronald Rodgers, the former chief in question, […]

Bibb County Schools: No conflict in hiring consultant as police chief

Posted by on September 25, 2012

The Bibb County School District’s leaders see no conflict in rehiring as its police chief the chief financial officer and senior analyst of a school safety consulting firm that just conducted a safety assessment for the district, according to local news outlets. The Georgia school district has been under fire for its handling of discipline and […]

Bibb County school crime, discipline data questioned with multiple safety reports

Posted by on September 19, 2012

The Bibb County (GA) school district remains under fire as two versions of a school safety assessment consultant’s report, along with state safety incident data, bring into question the district’s accuracy and consistency in reporting fights and weapons. The Macon Telegraph on Tuesday ran a story entitled, “Bibb school fights, weapons reported tallies differ widely.” The report claims […]

Draft school safety reports jeopardize integrity of security consultants, school boards

Posted by on September 16, 2012

School security consultants with strong integrity will lose some jobs here and there. But in the long haul, they will retain their integrity and their credibility, and their school district clients will likely do so as well. “Draft” school safety assessment reports can trigger questions on security consultant, school leader credibility One of my long-standing […]

Safety report blasts Bibb County school discipline; Judge blasts security consultant

Posted by on September 12, 2012

The heat has been turned up in southern Georgia, and it has nothing to do with the weather. A firestorm is brewing following a Macon Telegraph newspaper story on a school safety assessment consulting report for Bibb County Schools which “…included a scathing assessment of the way the school system handles and tracks student discipline.” The […]

Should school police have high-powered rifles in schools?

Posted by on September 7, 2012

The Plainfield (IL) Police Department’s recent request to allow its School Resource Officers (SROs) to store AR-15 rifles in gun safes at their high school generated quite a buzz. (See the Chicago Tribune story entitled Assault rifles in schools a sign of the times.) But was the request really unreasonable? Actually, the request by the police is not unusual. […]

School bus drivers got security training for Republican convention

Posted by on September 4, 2012

Driving a school bus is a tough job on a “normal” school day. Imagine how tough the job was for Hillsborough County Schools’ bus drivers who had to drive in the security footprint for the Republican National Convention last week in Tampa. And oh, by the way, did we mention there was also a hurricane […]

Are school safety advocates alarmists with a morbid life view?

Posted by on August 30, 2012

From time to time over the years, I will hear somone refer to myself and other school safety advocates as “alarmists” because we advocate for proactive school security and emergency preparedness planning. Pat Lamb, Director of School Safety & Operations for the Irving Independent School District in Texas, shared an article he wrote after someone told him he had a […]