Blog Archives

Why we can’t solve a human public safety issue with a technological quick-fix: The knee-jerk jump to security cameras and other gadgets from Sandy Hook to Ferguson, New York to Cleveland

Posted by on January 5, 2015

“Call our financial advisor and move all of our investment money into body camera manufacturers,” I recently told my wife. My comment was made tongue-in-cheek in reflection of the pathetic state of our public policy reaction to a public safety crisis, rather than as a passing joke or disrespectful and glib response to one of […]

Create a realistic focus when using school security cameras

Posted by on July 20, 2014

The post-Sandy Hook education community has seen a heavily skewed response to the shootings with millions of dollars being thrown at physical security measures. School security cameras have often been at the top of the list as state legislators dish out grant money or local districts throw up some new cameras in response to parent […]

Can your principals and security staff access surveillance camera systems?

Posted by on March 11, 2014

Can your principals access the surveillance camera systems they are supposed to be able to access from their desktop computers, laptops, or other monitoring consoles? This may seem like an odd  question. After all, who would install camera systems with the capability for principals, security staff, and School Resource Officers (SROs) to access and retrieve […]

Ken Trump provides insights into school security camera failures

Posted by on November 14, 2013

Columbus, Ohio, investigative reporter Paul Aker of 10 Investigates (WBNS) sat down with Ken Trump to get an inside look at school security camera equipment malfunctions — a problem we see around the nation during our school security assessments. Ken Trump Visit School Security Blog at: Follow Ken on Twitter @safeschools Visit and “Like” Our Facebook School Safety News Channel at:

I-Teams find malfunctioning school security surveillance cameras; How to stay ahead

Posted by on November 13, 2013

Your school district puts surveillance cameras in schools to protect students and staff. But what good are they if they are not working? Investigative news stories reveal malfunctioning, unrepaired school security cameras Recent investigative news stories uncovered disturbing school security equipment failures, in particular focusing on camera systems not being repaired in a timely manner: […]

School Security Versus the CSI Effect & TSA Effect

Posted by on September 2, 2010

Surveillance cameras and metal detectors are used to varying extents in a number of our nation’s school districts.  Cameras are in place in many urban, suburban, and rural districts.  Metal detectors tend to be used regularly in a smaller number of districts, often larger districts with a chronic history of weapons incidents. Parents, the media, […]