As school violence surges across the nation following a return to in-person learning from pandemic school closures, educators are now forcing students back into remote learning as a knee-jerk response to escalating incidences of threats and violence. School safety experts are increasingly concerned that virtual learning is being misused by school administrators as a crutch […]
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Ken Trump’s Blog
- School safety leaders: Focus on your core school security mission and functions (Lessons from recent Secret Service catastrophic security failures)
- Growing legal school safety mandates and proposed consultant/vendor-driven school security “standards” may mean well, but many create unrealistic mandates that are impossible for schools to comply with
- Retired? Briefly Hired? Fired? Strategic school safety leaders need to look deeper at job titles used by security vendors
- Superintendents can learn a critical school safety lesson from the now-former Secret Service director: You can handle an investigation properly, but you may lose your job if you bungle the communications
- From the White House to the schoolhouse, there is no perfect security – but by focusing on human factors, we can reduce risks