- Ken Trump’s Blog: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and K-12 schools: The time to prepare for student reentry is NOW!
- Education Week Opinion: Why the Coronavirus Crisis Hits Teenagers Particularly Hard: Developmental Scientists Explain; Here’s what parents and educators can do to help during social distancing
- Johns Hopkins University: Managing and understanding mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic Dani Fallin, chair of the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, discusses the psychological and emotional challenges that arise during social distancing
Check back later for more articles…
- Covid19 Pandemic Re-entry Teachable Moment Lesson Plan by Dr. Scott Poland and Donna Poland, experts in school psychology and school administration
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- CDC’s official one-page decision tree guidance on school (re)opening decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- CD Interim Guidance
- Official Interim Guidance – School-specific pages only – May 20, 2020 (pdf pull-out from main document)
- Full Official Interim Guidance Report with all activities and initiatives – May 20, 2020 (60 pages)
- (Unofficial) leaked draft of originally developed, but not published, Guidance for Schools and Day Camps Reopening (pages 4-6); Child Care Guidance (pages 1-3)- April 2020
- Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Childcare Programs and K-12 Schools to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). This site includes guidance for schools which do not have COVID-19 identified in their community as well as guidance for schools that do have it identified in their community.
- Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes
- Stress and Coping during COVID-19: Outbreaks can be stressful, ways to cope, considerations for parents, and more
- National Association of School Psychologists: Helping Children Cope with Changes Resulting from COVID-19
- Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center has extensive resources under its Infectious Diseases tab of the REMS TAC’s Biological Hazards web site page including those for pandemic planning, tabletop exercises, and more.
- Education Week:
- Map: Coronavirus and School Closures – State-by-State Map of School Building Closures
- Coronavirus and Schools: A State-by-State Guide
- Educators We’ve Lost to the Coronavirus
- Johns Hopkins University:
- US and Global regularly updated mapping of global COVID-19 cases
- Hopkins’ Coronavirus Resource Center with COVID-19 case tracker and links to expert Q&A and more
- Hopkins’ Center for Health Security also has a COVID-19 website page with links to updated situation reports and fact sheets.
- Keeping Secondary School Students Connected to School When Schooling is Online – Dr. Bob Balfanz, School of Education
- Filling in the Blanks: National Research Needs to Guide Decisions about Reopening Schools in the United States – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
- Your state’s health department should have information specific to your state. Check out this list of state health departments with links to their sites.
- School Meal Finder – Find meal sites while schools are closed
Check back later for more resources…