Classroom Killers? Hallway Hostages? How Schools Can Prevent and Manage School Crises

Is it really necessary for educators and communities to brace themselves for an escalating wave of classroom killers and hallway hostages? National school safety and crisis preparedness expert Ken Trump, author of the best selling Practical School Security: Basic Guidelines for Safe and Secure Schools, dispels the myths, misconceptions, and hype surrounding the lessons learned from national school violence crises and shifting security threat trends in this new book. Trump employs over 25 years of school-specific security and crisis management experience to deliver balanced, practical, and cost-effective steps for preventing, and preparing to effectively manage, school crisis incidents.

Learn practical, realistic, and sensible steps to:

  • Recognize “red flag” warnings of potential violence
  • Assess, manage, and record threats of violence
  • Form crisis teams and identify roles for key members
  • Prepare guidelines for managing natural and man-made crises
  • Identify priorities for managing the first half-hour of a crisis
  • Establish command posts, staging areas, family reunification sites
  • Assemble critical facility and tactical information, crisis kits, etc.
  • Conduct evacuations, lockdowns, and crisis exercises
  • Assess and enhance school crisis communication capabilities
  • Coordinate with police, fire, and other public safety agencies

…and much more!

Also included – a detailed checklist for safe school planning, critical questions for selecting school security consultants, sample crisis scenarios, and an outline of minimum crisis guideline components.


Contents: Foreword by Randy Wright / Preface / About the Author / Part I: Framing the Issues: 1. From Paranoia to “Politricks” and PR Campaigns: America Responds to Tragedy / 2. Lessons Learned from School Crisis Incidents / 3. “New Times, New Crimes”: Shifts in School Security Threat Trends / 4. Early Warning Signs: Fact, Fiction, or Fad? / Part II: Applying the Lessons Learned: 5. Assessing and Managing Threats / 6. A Framework for Reducing Risks: Security, Crisis Preparedness, and Comprehensive Safe Schools Plans / Part III: Crisis Preparedness and Management: 7. Crisis Preparedness Guidelines: Process, Product, and Preparation Issues / 8. Managing Crisis Incidents / 9. Preparing for the Post-Crisis Crisis / Part IV: State and Federal Support Strategies: 10. Indiana: An Example of Leadership in State and Local Preparedness / 11. Where Do We Go From Here? / Appendices: A: Critical Questions in Hiring a School Security Consultant / B: Checklist for a Safe and Secure School Environment / C: Sample “What If?” Scenarios / D: Outline of Minimum Components of School Crises Guidelines / References / Recommended Resources

Quotes from the field from the back book cover include…

“Having experienced the unthinkable, the one thing I would urge all school leaders to do is get prepared. The key is awareness and readiness, and Ken Trump provides both.” Randy Wright, Chairman of the Board of Education, McCracken County Public Schools, Paducah, Kentucky

“The need for education professionals and law enforcement to form partnerships and address these violent trends together has never been more evident. Ken Trump has a very complete understanding of the elements needed to create a well-working, functional partnership.” Curtis Lavarello, Executive Director, National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO)

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