Retired? Briefly Hired? Fired? Strategic school safety leaders need to look deeper at job titles used by security vendors

Posted by on August 3, 2024

Retired? Briefl Hired? Fired? Strategic school safety leaders look deeper at job titles used by vendors.

The latest marketing trick security product and tech vendors pull on school leaders is to have salespersons staff ‘rebrand’ themselves by not using their vendor job title. Instead they put (ret) on a previous job title in a school district, likely to gain credibility with educators.

Does (ret) count if you only worked in a school district for a few years? Did they really retire from a school job? Were they only briefly hired? Were they fired?

If you can’t trust them to be honest with their vendor job title, can you trust them with other claims?

Dr. Kenneth S. Trump is President of National School Safety and Security Services  

National School Safety and Security Services

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